ClickCease Active Chairs - No More Pain Ergonomics

Ergonomic seating has evolved in the past years to accommodate different styles of sitting tasks and different needs of the person.  There are many options today for ergonomic seating than ever before and this can be confusing as to what is the right solution for your specific needs.

This post will review three different style chairs that are a little different to the traditional ergonomic office chair and when a person would need each in their workspace.  We call these our 'active chair' range.  The difference in these chairs to traditional ergonomic chairs is that they provide supported spinal movement while working.  As opposed to the traditional office chair that supports the spine by allowing it to rest against a back rest with lumbar support, these chairs support the back by adjusting the angle of the hips (open hip angle) to a more neutral position that naturally places the spine in a corrected posture while working.  

Spine mobility is essential for the rehabilitation of back pain, and correcting posture while providing a method for rehabilitation can also prevent future injury.

Saddle Chairs

Saddle chairs are ideal for people whose work requires frequent reaching, varying work heights, close and accurate task work, long periods of standing, or has their work spread over a large area.  A saddle seat will give you corrected posture along with the ability to use your hands for task work, and is suitable for a wide range of professionals including dentists, surgeons, lab workers, hairdressers, artists, therapists, veterinarians and teachers.

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Kneeling Chairs

When adjusted correctly, a kneeling chair has a fantastic function of evenly distributing weight between the buttocks, thighs and chins.  This distribution of weight puts pressure off the spine and provides a comfortable position to perform seated tasks.  The flat seat provides extra comfort while still keeping corrected posture with an open hip angle.  

For a great article on a review of using a kneeling chair for one week, head over to Chair Office Blog.

Ergonomic Kneeling Office Chair
$275.00 AUD

Standing Stools

Standing stools are the latest modification of an ergonomic chair to hit the market, and it's function is to support a person with a sit stand desk.  They help you engage your leg, back and core muscles and maintain corrected posture. It does this via the slight forward tilt of the seat pan and the unique height of the stool. It also features a mobility base meaning that you are able to lean and move your body weight around the stool. The stool will lean and move with you promoting more movement throughout your work day.

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Active Chair Assessment

Still unsure which chair will be the best solution for your workspace?  Below are some questions to take into consideration when choosing an active chair and which chairs can support your needs.

Saddle Chair

Kneeling Chair

Standing Stool

Are you looking to improve posture and increase spine mobility while working?

Do you require support while performing standing tasks?

Do you require support while seated at normal desk height (not standing)?

Do you perform tasks that require you to move around the work space regularly?

Do you perform tasks that require forceful hand activity?

Do you perform tasks that involve awkward reaching or viewing postures?

Do you require a seated solution that is easy to get in and out of?

Do you or have you had any knee/leg injuries that cause pain with pressure?

Have Any Questions?  

Ask our team of experts.





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